Wood has been used for human invention since we first started rolling wheels around the earth. These wooden hand stamps pull from years of design tradition. The black knob handle and wooden body are sculpted to human grip. Produce inked, round 1.6-inches in diameter stamps. The traditional style has been functional for 100 + years; it is this level of
assuredness you will receive on top your business documents.




Corporate |
Non-Profit |
Rubber hand stamps bring an authentic feel and clean corporate seal impressions, but remember to purchase a pad to make them come alive. Order as an addition below or use your own. Ink, stamp in two separate motions; you know how it works. Due to the simplicity of the stamping action, this is perhaps our most intuitive model available online. Everyone is familiar with something like it. Created with your requirements
in mind on industrial-grade laser technology, be assured for years of custom, inked prints.
*Get a wood-based style if you plan to stamp your corporate seal at a rate consistent with the motion required by a separate inking pad. For more rapid-fire jobs, consider self-inkers. Give us a call at (888) 814-7325 or send over an email if you have any questions during the ordering process.